From the Desk of Dr. Samson:

In 1961, I graduated from Creighton Medical School. Four years of pediatric residency led me to enter the United States Air Force for a two-year stint in Minot, North Dakota. I entered as Chief of Pediatrics for the 862nd Medical Group. Following that, I spent three years on the full-time staff at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles as a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and on the faculty of the University Of Southern California School Of Medicine.
In 1970 I joined the staff at Pediatric Medical Center in Long Beach, California. In addition to providing care for our private practice patients, I continued to teach at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Miller Children’s Hospital. I maintained my faculty appointment at USC Medical School and then joined the faculty at UCI School of Medicine as a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics.
These last 63 years were spent providing care for God’s angels- to college students and teaching thousands of medical students and pediatric residents “How to be Complete Pediatric Practitioners.” Now, I feel it is time for me to hang up my stethoscope.
With a tear in my eye, I plan to retire in December 2023. All good things must come to an end. In my case, I should say GREAT things. I have loved every minute of helping children, teens, and young adults to grow in health and to achieve their goals. It was a difficult decision, but after many hours of prayer, I feel it is time.
Being a pediatrician is much more than writing prescriptions. We are counselors, friends, fans, and mentors. I will really miss this. However, I am leaving my pediatric medical patients in excellent hands since I have had the blessing of practicing with the best pediatricians in Long Beach.
I am staying in Long Beach. I’m sure you will see me around; feel free to say HELLO if you do. I’ll miss you all: my patients, their parents, and particularly the PMC office staff.